Saturday 7 February 2009

I have faith in you......

Be yourself and don’t be fake… I think that sometimes we need to stop analyzing the past and stop deciding with our mind what we want our heart to feel, because sometimes we just have to keep going and remember that being happy, doesn’t always mean everything perfect, It means that you decided to look beyond the imperfections..

Do not sacrifice what you have because a burnt bridge can take a long time to rebuild and could never be the same as before.

Having ‘faith’ in someone is a belief in something that is not outwardly obvious or visible, enabling you to see beyond all the attempts of vindictiveness and hurt thrown at you.....
The vindictiveness and hurt can take the form of deprivation, something hurtful said or even silence. You need to rise above this and keep the faith…....
Faith to believe what you do not see, because the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.....Faith knows the true and honest person you once knew will again shine through.....